Curbing Unwanted Mail: A Step Towards Reducing Waste and Clutter

Just over a week ago, I made a firm decision to put an end to the influx of unnecessary junk mail overflowing in my mailbox. The breaking point was a tiny book, absurdly thick and seemingly destined for the trash bin upon arrival. This blatant wastage sparked a realization of the sheer volume of these items meeting their fate without a second glance.

It’s disheartening to witness a continuous stream of flyers and advertisements that not only clutter our mailboxes but also contribute to environmental concerns. We diligently pay carbon taxes for essential needs such as transportation and home heating while irresponsible companies and groups inundate us with unwanted materials. Entities like cable, internet, satellite radio, among others, persistently fill my mailbox addressed to the ‘Current Resident’ at my address, becoming the next targets for this resolve.

After a bit of research, I discovered a simple solution to halt the flood of unsolicited admail—placing a straightforward note inside my community mailbox. I find it ironic that Canada Post, a company that profits from this service, allows us to opt-out. By using the same ‘Reach every mailbox’ service, they offer an option to block admail by merely leaving a note inside the mailbox. My sights are now set on companies like Rogers, consistently sending unwanted mail to our precise address, as my next endeavor to curb this unnecessary inundation.
