Fourteen interested and enthusiastic residents of Franklin Crossing attended a meeting on August 23, 2023, taking the first steps toward establishing a neighbourhood association. On strength of that we were encouraged to proceed to the next level, as we determine optimal structure to best meet our needs and enhance the quality of life here in Franklin Crossing.
The ad-hoc team has plenty to engage its attention – even at this early stage. Among our first items of business was to accept a proposal from MVL Snow Removal (Matt LeBlanc) for plowing the shared laneway between Grand Trunk and Croasdale streets, which will be at the same price ($100 per household) as last year. Matt is also offering to plow private driveways on an individual basis at the same rates as in 2022-23.
A start will be made on a controlled-access website for the association, which we hope will be as informative as possible, while being less susceptible to outside or inappropriate influences than the current Facebook page. Steve Kikkert has volunteered to spearhead this initiative, with others assisting him.
We will also attempt to have the dilapidated and outdated sign at the entrance to Grand Trunk Street removed. It is clearly an eyesore, serves no useful purpose, and does not speak well to the quality of the neighbourhood. We also discussed other potential projects to make the neighbourhood more attractive overall, and to keep litter under control.
We talked at some length about safety and security, including exploring the establishment of a
neighbourhood watch, and how best to work with the City of Moncton’s bylaw enforcement team.
City Hall will be approached about the lack of clarity on ownership and responsibility for the shared laneway, which was never adequately addressed when plans for the subdivision were approved 20 years ago. We invite all homeowners in Franklin Crossing to become involved in the association’s activities. At the outset the focus is on owner-occupied properties, but we can see involving tenants in rental units at some point in the future.
Our next meeting is tentatively planned for late September or early October.
Any questions? Contact us!
– Your Franklin Crossing Team